2024 Fundraiser
A note from our President & Artistic Director
Fundraising season. I love it. No, I do! Not every aspect of it. I don't enjoy dragging and dropping temperamental design elements in Canva. I am always surprised how quickly summer turns into fall; pie-in-the-sky ideas now demand action. I find myself awake at night, wondering, 'Am I doing enough? Too much?'
But when I wake up, I feel like Barbie. I'm in my own 'pink' world*, which, to me, is celebrating and sharing Satellite Dance with you. We are an evolving, adapting group of people who celebrate each other as they are: no more, no less. In keeping with pop culture themes, we're Friends like the show Friends. (Miss you, Matty.)
Only we aren't precisely like Friends. We like hanging out (we call it dancing) with lots of people. We are an island of beautiful, talented misfit toys with a regular ferry service to the mainland and always encouraging others to spend time on the island with us.
Reflecting on 2023, that is what I am most proud of – the thoughtful and welcoming engagement of others. We introduced a series called Rotations, where we provided a space for several guest instructors of ground and aerial backgrounds to lead innovative workshops for novice and seasoned artists alike. Thanks to the Sarah Tollefson Memorial Scholarship, we provided a free introduction to aerial dance and two summer camp scholarships to deserving youth members.
While I can appreciate the 'greats' who came before in this multi-faceted art form (Trisha Brown, Katherine Dunham, Guy Laliberté, I can go on), to me, nothing is more inspiring than watching Friends (not the show) unite and express themselves through dance while giggling and spilling water bottles (it's been zero days). Spending time with Friends in a studio elevates my soul and challenges me to be a better leader.
Please consider spending time with us on our 'island' this fundraising season. Whether purchasing a holiday gift for someone, attending our party, or throwing a few digital ducats into our Venmo or PayPal, we appreciate all you have to offer: no more, no less.
With Care,
Sarah Atenhan
President and Artistic Director
Satellite Dance. We are P – powerful! I – inspiring! N – never mean. K – cool.
*P.S. Pop culture song reference HERE.